Fee Payment & Refund Policies

Fee payment policy:

  1. Annual School Fees payments:

    Customers can pay annual school fees for each academic year, which includes Tuition fee, books fee and uniform fee by the following modes of payments available.

    1. Full payment by online (thru school website, subject to availability of online payment)
    2. 50% by Cash or Credit Card + one post-dated cheque dated in the month of January
    3. 30% by Cash or Credit Card + 2 post-dated cheques for 35% each dated in November and January
    4. 30% Cash or Credit Card + 4 monthly post-dated cheques from October to January
    5. 30% Cash or Credit Card + 5 monthly post-dated cheques from October to February
    6. 30% Cash or Credit Card + 6 monthly post-dated cheques from October to March

    Note: All payments must be made before 30th September, i.e before the end of 1st month of academic year. Partial payments will not be accepted. Post-dated cheques also should be given together with Cash/Credit Card.  Only parent's personal cheques will be accepted.  Company cheques, cheques of closed, frozen or dormant accounts etc. will not be accepted. All post-dated cheques will be deposited into bank on the cheque date itself)

    The above Annual School Fee Payment options are based on the typical MOE academic calendar which normally starts from September and ends in June.  And the months mentioned may change accordingly if there is change in MOE academic year schedule.

  2. Online Payments made thru ASK online payment gateway are considered and accounted in the respective student accounts only after the actual transfer is received to the ASK bank account. ASK will not be liable for any failed transactions because of technical or network errors at the time of customer making the online payment. 
  3. Post Dated Cheques paid by the customers will be presented to the bank for collection on the due date of the cheque
  4. In case the customer wishes to settle the post-dated cheque before the due date, the payment for the total value of cheque has to be made before the date of the cheque, by Cash/Credit Card at the ASK Accounts office or by Online payment subject to the availability of PDC settlement option in the ASK online payment gateway
  5. Additional fees/charges may apply on settlement of bounced cheques, for TC applications, Re-issue of lost report cards etc. as decided by ASK and as applicable from time to time.
  6. Other payments:

    Other periodic payments subsequent to annual fees payment mentioned above such as settlement of Post-dated cheques, additional books or uniforms, examination fee, re-registration fee etc. can be paid by Cash/Credit card at ASK Accounts office or by online payment thru ASK online payment gateway subject to the availability of online payment option for these services.