Health and Safety Policy

This document is the statement of the aims, principles and strategies for ensuringHealth and Safety at American Private School of Kalba.


Our aims for Health and Safety to meet MOE standard 2

  • Provide a safe and healthy environment for students, teaching and non-teachingstaff and all other people who come onto the premises of ourschool.
  • Ensure that all members of the school community understand their own responsibilities in maintaining a healthy and safe environment.


  • Identify federal and local legal and other requirements related to occupational environment, health and safety and the nature of Institutions operations and activities using the required form.(MOE HSE policy 2.1 legal compliance
  • Identify and assess occupational environmental aspects, health and safety hazards related to Institutions current and new facilities, operations and activities under normal operation conditions taking into consideration vulnerable individuals exposed to it including employees, students and other persons (visitors, contractors, and service providers) as well as any relevant legal and other requirements to assess impacts and risks associated with it and put in place all suitable and sufficient control measures and procedures aiming to eliminate/ prevent or mitigate and reduce it to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) using the required form (Form 2: Risk Identification& Assessment Form (Operations) and document it in a formal Register (Annex 2: General Risk Register (Operations) MOE policy 2.2 Risk Identification and assessment. (operations) Risk assessment evaluation and established control measures must be established, monitored, updated and communicated to concerned stakeholders periodically and continuously and ensure they are actively engaged, trained and familiar with it.
  • Identify and assess threats related to Institutions current and new facilities, operations and activities under emergency operation conditions and in case of emergencies, disasters and crisis situations taking into consideration vulnerable individuals exposed to it including employees, students and other persons (visitors, contractors, and service providers) to identify its priority for managing it and to put in place all suitable and sufficient control measures, procedures and mechanisms for prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery management in case of its occurrence aiming to: a. Prevent human and financial losses and minimise it as far as possible. b. Ensure business continuity. c. Align all preparedness, response and recovery plans, procedures and operations to resume operations and activities to its normal status as soon as possible. d. Identify roles and responsibilities to all concerned agency and members and align cooperation operations and mechanisms during emergency, crisis and disaster situations. Threat identification and assessment to be done using the required form (Form 3: Threats Identification & Assessment Form (Emergency)) and documented in a formal Register (Annex 3: General Threats Register (Emergency)). Threats assessment evaluation and established control measures must beestablished, monitored, updated and communicated to concerned stakeholders periodically and continuously and ensure they are actively engaged, trained and familiar with it.


To follow the following procedures as laid down by the MOE.


All members of the school community (teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, students and visitors) work towards the school’s aims by:-

  • Being fully aware of their own responsibilities for maintaining a safe and healthy environment.
  • Being familiar with all instructions and guidance of safety within the school.
  • Using common sense at all times to take responsible care for their own safety and that of others.
  • Reporting any unidentified hazards to the Principal / health and safety officer without delay.

The health and safety committeeto work towards the school’s aims by:-

  • Recognising their corporate responsibility for ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is implemented in the school.
  • Ensuring that safe work practices and procedures are applied within the school.
  • Making frequent inspections to ensure that a safe and healthy environment is maintained.
  • Establishing a system for the reporting, recording and investigation of accidents and ensuring that this is applied rigorously.
  • Ensuring that all members of the school community are aware of their own responsibilities.
  • Taking responsibility for devising and implementing a school Health and Safety policy.
  • Monitoring and reviewing this policy and ensuring that necessary revisions are undertaken.
  • Ensuring that all staff are familiar with the Health and Safety policy of the school and any other relevant codes of practice and legislation.
  • Facilitating safety and First Aid training for staff.
  • Taking active steps to ensure that equipment, buildings and grounds are safe, secure and well maintained and that any damage is quickly rectified.
  • Ensuring that there are arrangements for the speedy evacuation of the buildings in case of fire or other emergency and that fire fightingequipment is available and maintained.

The Principal and governors work towards the school’s aims by:-

  • Taking responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the Health and Safety policy.

Teachers, assistants and administration staffwork towards the school’s aims by:-

  • Promoting a spirit of safety consciousness amongst students, ensuring that they understand the need for codes of practice and are conscious of their responsibilities in taking reasonable care for their own safety and that of others.
  • Being good role models – vigilant and careful.
  • Taking quick, firm action to ensure that students are not allowed to jeopardise their own safety or that of others.
  • Providing opportunities for students to discuss appropriate health and safety issues.
  • To make sure risk assessment are carried out and permission sought from the ministry before any off-site visits

Students work towards the school’s aims by:-

  • Developing a growing understanding of health and safety issues.
  • Contributing to the development of codes of practice.
  • Conducting themselves in an orderly manner in line with these codes.
  • Taking growing responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy environment and for their own safe conduct within it.

Parents work towards the school’s aim by:

  • Ensuring that students attend school in good health.
  • Providing prompt notes/phone calls to explain all absences.
  • Providing support for the discipline within the school and for the teacher’s role
  • Ensuring early contact with school to discuss matters concerning the health and safety of their children or of others.
  • Allowing children to take increasing personal and social responsibility as they progress throughout the school.
  • Accepting responsibility for the conduct of their children at all times.
  • Ensuring that the school has up-to-date contact addresses and telephone numbers so that parents may be swiftly contacted in emergencies.

The Security Officer& Cleaners are responsible to the principal and for:-

  • Ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety provisions and procedures affecting cleaning, groundmaintenanceand  security of the premises are adhered to.
  • Ensuring that cleaning materials and equipment liable to be a danger to students or staff, are correctly used and properly stored when not in use.
  • Ensuring that all waste materials from the school are appropriately disposed of to avoid health hazards and the spread of infection
  • Maintaining a high standard of housekeeping.
  • Reporting to the principal and health and safety officer any problem, or imminent dangerassociated with their responsibilities, as soon as it is practicable to do so.

ProceduresFor ensuring involvement of all members of the school community

  • Regular meetings of the health and safety committee of teaching and non-teaching staffto review health and safety issues.

Providing students with opportunities to discuss health and safety issues:

  • A programme of personal and social education designed to promote mutual respect, self-discipline and social responsibility.
  • A programme of health education.
  • School council to discuss health and safety

Accident prevention, reporting and investigation:-

  • Risk assessments formulated and regularly reviewed.
  • Vigilance by all staff and students to recognise potential causes of accidents and to take action to prevent these where possible.
  • Promptness in reporting potential hazards to the principal and health and safety officer andimmediate response to such reports.
  • All staff to complete accident report form and submit to the principal or H&S officer
  • H&S officer and principal must follow all laid down accident and emergency procedures of the MOE and Sharjah Private Education Authority
  • All serious accidents be investigated by the principal and health and safety officer and must be reported to the Sharjah Private Education Authority within 24 hours

Staff are responsible for:

  • Reporting all accidents to the health and safety officer and a note made in theschool accident bookby clinic staff and in accordance with school policy as set out in the staff handbook
  • Prompt investigation of all accidents by the principal and health and safety officer in order toestablish cause and adopt remedial measures.

First Aid Provision :

  • All staff will be trained as First Aiders in school by the school doctor
  • Provision of fully stocked first aid box in the school clinic.
  • Notification to parents of any head injury or minor injuries on appropriate the accident reporting form.
  • Summoning of an ambulance where necessary by any responsible adult and arrange for someone to meet and guide the ambulance. If the school is unable to contact a parent (or an alternative nominated person) a member of staff will accompany a child to hospital.
  • A list of first aiders is kept with the school doctor and supervisors, along with their trainingdates.

Fire Precautions:

  • A set of regulations for emergency evacuations.
  • A termly fire drill as set out in the staff handbook.
  • Regular checks of equipment, procedures and exits by staffand outside specialists
  • Fire risk assessments are carried out throughout the year by health and safety officers and fire officers
  • Clear signage of all fire exits and assembly points
  • Health and safety officers in each building carry out regular checks to ensure that fire exits are not obstructed

Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedures:

  • Each block has a designated fire marshal who checks to ensure that each building is evacuated following an orderly process
  • All staff, students and visitors assemble at designated assembly points
  • Supervisors give out registers and teachers and support staff check students’ names to ensure that all are present
  • In case of a real fire or emergency, all staff have a responsibility to set off the fire alarm and contact civil defence

The use and control of substances hazardous to health:-

  • Storage of such substances clearly labelled, locked in the store room
  • The issue, use and care of personal protection equipment (e.g. rubber gloves) when necessary.
  • A list of all chemical substances are kept by the cleaners, health and safety officer and lab technician.

Maintaining Health and Safety in the Science Laboratories:

  • A code of practice and code in the laboratories for all science equipment and substances must be displayed in all labs
  • Rules for maintaining health and safety standards in the science labs must be clearly displayed in every lab
  • Students must be trained and instructed on the importance of health and safety in the labs
  • Teachers and lab technician must regularly check all equipment and chemicals to ensure they are safely stored and safe

Electrical Safety:-

  • Careful citing of equipment to avoid trailing leads.
  • Annual testing by electrical contractors on all portable electricalequipment.
  • A code of practice for students using electrical equipment.

Procedure for dealing with special medical conditions:-

  • Information given to all teaching/non-teaching staff about any special medical conditions of students in school and about what response may be required in an emergency.
  • Regular liaison with parents.
  • A requirement that all medicines brought to school must be clearly labelled with the student’s name and appropriate dosage and frequency of dosage and lodged with the school doctor
  • For administering of medication, parents must provide a written consent, only the school doctor/ nurse are authorised to administer medicines to students
  • We have care plans for students with medical needs

Ensuring road safety:-

  • Parking restrictions in the road outside school which parents are regularly urged to obey
  • Discuss road safety at assemblies with the students
  • Security guards are at the gates to ensure that students cross the roads safely before and after school
  • Police to assist with parking and to ensure the safety of the school community

Ensuring Personal Hygiene:-

  • Encouragement of a high standard of personal This involves teaching all students to wash their hands after using the toilet and the provision and maintenance of suitable facilities for this.
  • A programme of health education for senior students.
  • Providing soap and toilet tissue
  • Regular checks and cleaning of all toilet facilities during the school day
  • Bins are provided for safe disposal of sanitary towels and bins are also provided for general waste.

Ensuring Playground Safety:-

  • Regular inspection and maintenance of playgrounds.
  • Students are always supervised on the playground

Ensuring Safety during Physical Education:-.

  • All PE equipment regularly checked.
  • Close supervision and appropriate rules in place.

Safety on school trips and outdoor pursuit activities:-

  • Risk assessment completed for each school trip – consider staff student ratio, issuing of first aid kit, high visibility vests and mobilephone.
  • Every group supported by a member of school staff.
  • First aid kit is provided on each school bus and where appropriate, students are companied by a school nurse
  • Buses are checked to ensure that the driver is qualified and has a valid driving licence. The bus / vehicle maintenance records are checked and insurance is checked taking into consideration the number of passengers the bus/ vehicle must legally carry

Procedures for return to school after educational visits:

  • All students and staff must return back to school. Students and staff are not allowed to be dropped off anywhere else
  • The group leader / teacher must ensure that all students are collected by an adult.
  • Contact the parent / carer if a student is not collected
  • Stay with any student who is not collected and wait for them to be collected.

Dismissing Students After School:

  • Girls must stay in the girls’ area until they are collected
  • Security officers are at the gates to supervise the cars and ensure students cross the road safely
  • Boys are supervised by the supervisor and monitored by the principal to ensure health and safety and maintain order.
  • Students who are not collected on time must be brought into the building and their parents called.